Smooth Transitions between two functions In python, there are several fucntions permit us to make a smooth between two functions. It include: polyfit, curve_fit. We give examples of how to use polyfit and curvefit to generate smooth data. 1. Use curve_fit #import two signals to mix y1 = [ 1.0000 , 0.8138 , 0.5838 , 0.3408 , 0.1145 , - 0.0741 , - 0.2172 , - 0.3202 , - 0.3966 , - 0.4621 , - 0.5281 , - 0.5991 , - 0.6735 , - 0.7460 , - 0.8119 , - 0.8687 , - 0.9161 , - 0.9547 , - 0.9835 , - 0.9999 , - 1.0000 , - 0.9816 , - 0.9455 , - 0.8967 , - 0.8419 , - 0.7885 , - 0.7416 , - 0.7024 , - 0.6689 , - 0.6369 , - 0.6034 , - 0.5673 , - 0.5310 , - 0.4991 , - 0.4765 , - 0.4664 , - 0.4689 , - 0.4802 , - 0.4935 , - 0.5014 , - 0.4974 , - 0.4780 , - 0.4440 , - 0.3993 , - 0.3499 , - 0.3021 , - 0.2601 , - 0.2257 , - 0.1980 , - 0.1747 , - 0.1539 , - 0.1345 , - 0.1170 , - 0.1024 , - 0.0920 , - 0.086...
Some notes to the Fastai course Practical Deep Learning for Coders 2022 If you intend use Pytorch and python 3.7 for adopting fastai core, maybe you got some problems and this pages will collect the error which I have search and solve some problems Lession 1: Bug 1: If you use windows and it cant create a folder and download data as below: searches = 'forest' , 'bird' path = Path ( 'bird_or_not' ) if not path . exists (): path . mkdir () ### Very important to make path, will not run if not make for o in searches : dest = ( path / o ) print ( o ) dest . mkdir ( exist_ok = True ) results = search_images_ddg ( f ' { o } photo' ) download_images ( dest , urls = results [: 200 ]) resize_images ( dest , max_size = 400 , dest = dest , max_workers = 1 ) ### ...