This is my testing for my experiment to use contiki-ng for my cc2650 board on Windows 10. Because Contiki needs an environment like Linux, here we use Docker + Virtualbox to make build and compile more convenient. Below are there steps to make it. Step 1 . Install Docker Toolbox Notice 1. Using Virtual box 5.2.30 to assure that the Docker Work Notice 2. After install need to restart the windows 10 Notice 3. Config virtual box host-only network Step2 . Pull Contiki-Ng from website Here I put my Contiki-ng in c:/user/myname/Contiki-ng After Docker can setup the connection you need to login to user state of contiki-ng with command docker run --privileged --sysctl net.ipv6.conf.all.disable_ipv6=0 --mount type=bind,source=/c/Users/myname/contiki-ng,destination=/home/user/contiki-ng -e DISPLAY=host.docker.internal:0.0 -ti contiker/contiki-ng Step 3 . Test an hello-world project in examples folder #include "contiki.h" #include "dev/cc26xx...