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Showing posts from July, 2019
Serial Port Profile with CC2650 and CC2640R2 This test based on code from TI support under link: For CC2650: For CC2640R2: In this experiment, I use CC2640R2 as Server (Peripheral) and CC2650 as Client (Central) as the image below: Step1: import project spp_ble_client_cc2650lp (app and stack) for CC2650 Step2: modify Code of Service in file serial_port_service:               C0E0 ==> C0C0               C0E1 ==> C0C1               C0E2 ==> C0C2 If you don't change, Two Blue Tooth Board cant know to service each other. Step 3: import project simple_serial_socket_client_CC2640r2 for CC2640R2 here we using RealTerm...
Experiment to Custom Profile in BLE CC2640R2 This example is followed a tutor from TI link It bases on Project zero and adds two services to the project. The first Service implemented counting number clicked button The later will update counting service through timer which the period time can changeable.
Experiment Sensor Booster Pack with CC2650 In this experiment, we use CC2650 rather CC2640Rx2 to read light level from OTP3001 on the sensor board. It follows the Task 3, Task 4 from TI tutorial Here we need some modified like last post to make the project run. First, to define the board CC2650 in file Board.h #define     Board_I2C_TMP           CC2650_LAUNCHXL_I2C0 Also, define IC address in file otp3001.c( replaced for tmp007.c) #define Board_TMP_ADDR   0x47 #if defined(ONBOARD_TMP006) #define TMP_REGISTER TMP_DIE_TEMP #define TMP_ADDR     Board_TMP_ADDR #else #define TMP_REGISTER TMP_OBJ_TEMP #define CONF_REGISTER 0x01 #define TMP_ADDR     Board_TMP_ADDR #endif Declare two new variables for reading exponent part and result uint16_t       ...
Experiment to CC2640R2 and Sensor Booster Pack In this example, I follow a tutorial from TI to read sensor OTP3001. Because the sensor TMP0007 has out of date now, so I little modify to use with OTP3001. Step1. Copy file i2ctmp from simpllink sdk  cc2640R2 version Reference The Booster pack datasheet TMP0007 and OTP3001 share the I2C bus including SCL, SDA.  Address's  TMP is 0x04, Data Register: 0x00 Address's OTP is 0x47, DataRegister: 0x00  So in the code we modify: #define OTP3001_REG         0x0000  /* Die Temp Result Register for TMP006 */ #define OTP3001_ADDR        0x47; According to OTP3001 datasheet, in default, a configuration register (address 0x01) in sleep mode, so if we read data ou...

Experiment to CC2640R2F and CC2650

This is the first experiment to do on a connection between CC2650 and CC2640R2F In this experiment, I use a CC2650 as a simple central device and scanning another peripheral (CC2640). This tutor follows the TI Guide: However, this tutor use for two CC2640 experiments so we need to combine two Source: Simplelink for CC2640R2 ver and SimpleLink for CC2650 ver ble_sdk_2_02_00_31 Notice 1: You must configure UART for each project to connect two KITs.  Notice 2: The code does not display Advertising Data and I will try later Update: After two days to debug the problems belong to the function convert number string to text string  char *Util_convertBytes2Str(uint8_t *pData, uint8_t length) { uint8_t charCnt; char hex[] = "0123456789ABCDEF"; static char str[(3*31)+1]; char ...


I used a mikro BUS namely MAX30100 to test heart beat and SPO2 Below is some link for reference: Notice: Use 3.3V for this module IC use I2C connection and just connecting SCL, SDA to the arduino