Serial Port Profile with CC2650 and CC2640R2
This test based on code from TI support under link:
For CC2650:
For CC2640R2:
In this experiment, I use CC2640R2 as Server (Peripheral) and CC2650 as Client (Central)
as the image below:
Step1: import project spp_ble_client_cc2650lp (app and stack) for CC2650
Step2: modify Code of Service in file serial_port_service:
C0E0 ==> C0C0
C0E1 ==> C0C1
C0E2 ==> C0C2
If you don't change, Two Blue Tooth Board cant know to service each other.
Step 3: import project simple_serial_socket_client_CC2640r2 for CC2640R2
here we using RealTerm Terminal to connect UART and Testing two boards.
This test based on code from TI support under link:
For CC2650:
For CC2640R2:
In this experiment, I use CC2640R2 as Server (Peripheral) and CC2650 as Client (Central)
as the image below:
Step1: import project spp_ble_client_cc2650lp (app and stack) for CC2650
Step2: modify Code of Service in file serial_port_service:
C0E0 ==> C0C0
C0E1 ==> C0C1
C0E2 ==> C0C2
If you don't change, Two Blue Tooth Board cant know to service each other.
Step 3: import project simple_serial_socket_client_CC2640r2 for CC2640R2
here we using RealTerm Terminal to connect UART and Testing two boards.
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